Get Involved
Would you like to Get Involved and help make Govan a more attractive, prosperous and desirable place to live, work or visit?
Alongside all of the investment in buildings, Govan Cross THI is also offering a range of opportunities to enable people of all ages to learn more about Govan’s history, to develop the skills required to look after the Govan Conservation Area, and even to forge a career working in the repair and conservation of traditional buildings.
Maybe you’d like to help revive the Govan Heritage Trail and make it attractive to today’s smart phone generation? Design and make your own mosaic tiled shop entranceway? Record and publish local people’s stories and mementos of Govan throughout the years, in Govan’s very own “Book of Memories”? Learn a traditional craft skill or traditional building repair technique, such as working with lime mortar or stone and timber joinery repair? Or maybe you’d like a job training opportunity on one of the THI funded building repair or shopfront improvement contracts?
These opportunities and many more will be available and advertised on this page from November 2012 onwards.
Keep checking back and Get Involved!
Mrs Elder’s Glorious Gift
Launch of Govan Kid’s Heritage Trail
Paving The Way – A New Future For Govan Old
Govan Old Churchyard Stones & Bones
Water Row Masterplan
Govan Old Entranceway – “Dinnaken Square”
Govan Cross Public Space Improvements – Phase 3
Entertaining Govan Audio Walking Tour
Govan’s Famous Folk ‘Trumps’ Game
Only in Govan – A Collection of Govan Memories