
‘Dinnaken Square’ Sharing Event Tuesday 20 June 2017

Join us at the ‘Dinnaken Square’ Sharing Event on Tuesday 20th June, 3PM – 7PM, MacLeod Hall Vestibule, Pearce Institute.

This event will draw together and present what we’ve learned throughout our earlier sessions and workshops, and through our other discussions within the community, examining the past, present and possible future of the space. Along the way, we’ve uncovered a 1000 year old ditch, a visionary community garden from the 1930s, and some lost air raid shelters! We will also be presenting the draft designs for the space – drop by and tell us what you think. The exhibition will be at the Pearce Institute from 20th June – 23rd June, and at Govan Old Church from 23rd June – 26th June.